Queen exclusion in Hive D revisited

A week ago I moved the Queen excluder in Hive D. Yesterday I had a look inside. The Queen appears to be in the lower box now. The sealed brood, including Drone brood has mostly hatched out. Some Drones were milling about above the excluder. Drones are too big to fit through an excluder so they were trapped.

Swarm in a tree but where did it come from?

Yesterday I was called to my out-apiary because of a swarm. It had settled in a tree right in front of the building where my elevated hives are kept. The swarm was about 10m up the tree; the hives are at a height of about 20m. There was no way to reach the swarm.

Moving hives

Last night I moved Hive E to my out-apiary and returned Hive B to my home. The move went well with no problems.

Hive E contains the feral swarm from Barton caught at the very start of August 2016. It built up strongly before Autumn and is now a vigorous colony. I wanted it to be in central Oxford where its' strength is a match for the position - lots of forage but a big climb to the roof. I wanted Hive B to be in my garden where it can quietly tick along without bothering family or neighbours.

There are dangers in moving an occupied hive: