A cold start to May

A look at the weather at our nearest official weather station at Benson aerodrome shows that May has not been very nice so far.

There has been consistent higher pressure at around 1020 hectopascals. This hasn't been accompanied by late spring warmth. Day temperatures for the last week averaged 11.3C; night temperatures averaged 7.0C. The wind has been mostly consistent at around 8 knots.


Brood in a super, again.

The bees will ignore empty frames which are above an excluder if there is no comb in them. I put a super on Hive D earlier this year but then took the excluder away then the bees weren't using the super. Now they are using it - for brood rearing. This is inconvenient because I hoped to take honey from it.

I have left the excluder out of a hive before with same result. The Queen will lay where the temperature is optimal. When the outside weather is cooler this will be at the top of the hive. It may be lower in the height of summer but I haven't observed this.

A bumpy start for Hive F

I collected a new swarm today from Helen, another low intervention bee keeper who has a Top Bar Hive near the John Radcliffe Hospital. She had kindly caught them in a skep with a sheet under it. Collecting it was simple: tie up the sheet and carry it all away.

The colony from which it comes has been untreated for 2 years. Before that it was intensively managed by a keeper in Wolvercote.

I have placed it in my out-apiary in a new Commercial brood box: Hive F. I'm using frames without foundation, with only the lolly stick guides.